Wednesday, July 02, 2014


it still amazes me and always will,  how anyone can create a song that - just by listening - i can feel exactly what the words say.  Even when i can't hear what the lyrics are.

i first saw the video and the heard the song two days ago. I couldn't make out the words but i felt the bittersweet irony in it. a song of bittersweet decadence and comforting familiarity of an inextricable melange of pain and love? of course i was hooked. and i recognised myself in her; the way i literally throw myself around the room, against the wall, onto the bed, against any surface, when my body is bursting with emotion. i am, of course, not half as graceful as wats her name, but if i did have some sort of dance training, i'd probably look exactly like she does in the vid.

i know if i let someone like maybe say, zehzeh, watch the vid, they'd go like.. oh ok nice song. or mm ok only lah. and I promise i'll try not to get frustrated by the lack of empathy. but i will never understand why i can feel so much through music while others can't. prob the same reason why pple like poetry or fiction or alcohol while those things just don't speak to me at all.

this post is pretty pointless. i guess i just wanted to say tt i've found a new song to make me high - a sad, ironic kind of high. If i could sing this i would. reminds me of the build up of energy i felt from listening to cosmic love. the unbeatable euphoria tt no one else i know seems to understand.

in other related news, i've met someone called taufik on an online dating chat. he looks pretty intimidating but we're having such great conversation. for the first time in a long time, i seem to have met someone new who feels music the way i do. how dangerous. cos really, while i feel it's a gift, it can really also be a curse to feel so passionately about something so intangible yet so real. (i mean music, not the man.)

i've been using this site for a the past few weeks and i'm really happy not everyone on it is as weird as one might expect them to be. ok, sorry, tt's was so terribly biased. i'm sure there are pple on the site who think i'm weird. what i meant was i'm glad to have found more than a couple of guys on the site who seem to be on the same wavelength as me when it comes to .. i dunno.. music, outlook on life, background, and (this is the language nazi in me speaking) the way they speak (or type, rather). is it horrible of me to ignore the men who "wanna b frenz wif" me? i think not. cos i think i know how much language matters when it comes to shaping one's thoughts and worldview and from experience, i know i dont seem to connect so well with pple who can't get a pun. and i wouldn't want anyone to change for me. so - there you go- i think i'm being fair by not raising their hopes. ok, so back to chatting right now. laters.

oh yes, and erm.. long time no see. haha.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

i think, for me, the speed at which a period of time seems to have gone by depends largely on the things I think about that happened within that time span. for example, when i think bout how long I've been with this sch, time seems to have dragged on. When I think bout the summer holidays till now, time seems to have flown by. I don't really have a point to make. except that I wish blogger would stop fucking auto-correcting my posts and making my writing seem proper and unauthentic. it is very annoying.

i'm having trouble thinking of something that I did this year that was really fulfilling or memorable or rewarding. almost sleeping with shrd? ok, sorry, tt was pretty random. not falling into depression? well done on tt, Amelia. writing fantastic student reports (120 of them!)? well ya I guess tt was a pretty good effort.

it seems just yesterday tt bestie and I whatsapped one another happy new year wishes, coupled with our customary wishes for her visa situation and my dry season to go better. it's been 365 days since then... not much change. couple of times in the year, we almost made it, but it seems we're both right back where we started. ok, let's not be cynical here... Karin's thing seems pretty hopeful so i should direct all the good juju there so tt at least one of us gets wat she's been waiting for. *cross fingers*

i don't think 21-yr-old me ever imagined that things would be this way for 28-yr old me. i don't even dare to imagine now wat it would be like another 5 years from now. maybe i'd be vegetarian and living in china as a nun. FAAAR OUT. but things happen right? wthough are the things tt haven't and might not happen. about 7 hours ago i remember feeling pretty close to being depressed bout having nothing to do and no one to hold this midnight. i hope it's just the hormones. :(