Monday, October 27, 2003

We swung around. Tied together, we swung.
Hold it and don’t twist. It hurts. Oh…
Opened drawers and shrivelled prunes;
gone to the graves and flown to the moon.
We swung around and around.
Say, if I held this against you, what would you say?
Console, console. Swing with me – yay and yippee.
We’ll swing till yesterday...

i wish i could say confidently that today was a good day; i wish i could do that with every day.

it's so painful to know that the world is moving on while i'm just being a bag of sour grapes. what will it take to get me to come to terms with it all? i feel myself becoming a lifeless, droning cynic, and i don't like it. i need an emotional revolution, something to pull me out of this rut. perhaps i've taken life a little too seriously that i've killed off a bit of myself.

i remember when antonia and ian asked me to study with them at the airport before they were a couple. as we sat and ate and studied and talked, i realised that i was getting in the way of some unspoken desires (not mine) .tough shit. i left in a while, feeling not so good about myself.

yesterday: kenny shouldn't be doing this. i don't think it's good for me, for him, or for his girlfriend. tt's wat i think, not what i feel. i don't feel like it's wrong, what he's doing - i just feel slightly guilty and cheap with the fact tt i don't like him and yet i let him do what he does.

i need to feel wanted and i want so much to feel needed.
hold me tonight, make it all right.

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