talking to michelle chan on msn now. i'm telling her bout how i want to set up a band called
The Puspalms. i've mentioned the reason to you before. the surname is gonna die out here and i don't want it to. but it'll be hard for adam, timmy and me (whom i plan to have in the band haha - haven't thought of who else yet) to recah a compromise on what music to play cos our tastes are different. but when we do- if we do- we'll be the neo-weddingsingers for eurasian weddings. haha. play some old stuff and some new shit too. wow, how fun it will be! haha i'm getting excited by the mere idea.
listening to: Besame Mucho, the beatles
ooh c'est si bon. i wonder how far i'd go to make my dreams come true and how far my dreams will last before they're eaten away by my laziness. i'm so bored. i need someone to
mucho mucho! haha...
Puff was but my pipe dream.
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