Sunday, November 06, 2005

it's frustrating. i feel frustrated and i have a headache. i don't know the cause of either of these and tt gives me a bigger headache and makes me feel even more frustrated.

i don't have the time and/or energy to do the things i have to do outside of work. need to submit my stupid bankdraft to book my hostle but stupid idp closes at 4pm and i finish work at 3.30. how the fuck am i spposed hand to it in then. only leaves me with thursday and saturday. i still have to buy an outfit for the two chinese-themed weddings - 27 nov and 3 dec. and shop for lidong's outfit with him. and get my christmas dress. and wax my fucking legs. and do something bout my cellulite so tt i can meet at least ONE person without having to hear for the hundred-thousandth time bout how bloated i look. and apply for my student visa. and read the books in my cupboard tt i bought on impulse but never took the time to read. and plan wat to do for lidong's 21st. and sleep. and sleep. and watch some tv. and read some newspapers. and go revise my french and my chinese. you see, if i killed myself off i would actually save an indefinite (albeit possibly immense) amount of time and effort.

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