Friday, November 10, 2006

was just reading the blog of a current np mcmer (who happens to be an ij junior too but whom i don't know personally) and suddenly i'm feeling all nostalgic for those np times when we just sat round and lepakd. just sitting and sitting...
which is actually what i'm doing right now- sitting on my flat ass and killing my butt nerves and growing more boils near my anus- but somehow nothing feels shiok the way it used to. or i could be just romanticising those days and deluding myself. ah yes.

:: Penny Lane - the beatles

i really need to be studying right now... but i wanna go to the old tv studio and sleep on the couch. or don my overalls (which can no longer fit into) and sit outside the darkroom and watch the sunset.

damn my stupid laptop for crashing and making me lose my pictures and my portfolio frm yr3. good thing i put the darkroom ones on imagestation.

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