Monday, January 08, 2007

it was actually going well. i was making an effort to keep my temper in check and consciously be nicer. and then i got cranky yesterday and took it out on lidong and his unfortunate friends. where do you find a person dedicated enough to be willing to spend more than an hour sending home a bitch who just made a total ass of herself. the thing is i did realise my bad and i was gonna apologise when we reached home but i guess he got to it first. over dinner arman was mentioning some friend's fussy and demanding exgf and i kept telling myself 'it could be you it could be you'. for the record, i wasn't feeling sorry for myself. i cry when i feel bad and when i'm scared. and i had this ache in my brain cos i knew i had fucked up again.

ok the actresses on fiesta komedi are reeeally beginning to annoy me. 10 mins is ok, but i don't understand how anyone can sit through the whole half hour. oh and did you notice tt the end of the song sounds like The Great Singapore Workout song? '...singapore singapore workout time!' haha.

i saw the ad for tt show with tt dumb xiaxue just now and this aunty made a comment in one of the voxpops: i tink singaporeans shouldn't be so kiasu... but for housewives, i(t)s ok. hahaha wtf. damn funny lah.

note to self: SuperNanny @ 9pm on thursday on central. naughty corner! i put you in the naughty corner! MUAH-HAH-HAHAHA! should start using tt on the kids at the school. or i could come up with other tactics (talk somemore? talk somemore? rub chilli padi on your mouth then you know!) {;oPPPPPP

but work wasn't so bad today. time passed pretty quickly actually. came back to daddy's hse, went downstairs to have an ice cocktail jelly (I KNOW I LOIKE..) and then upstairs to nap and wait for dinner. back to good old kopitiam dinner and non-scv channels - nice.

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