Thursday, September 10, 2009

:: jimmy - moriarty

sometimes i wonder what i do up so late. but then i'm sure i'm not the only one (wondering, i mean - not staying up late).

been reading the coupland book i got for cheap. i must admit, all the smartass quips can be overkill when i'm not in a receptive mood. otherwise it's pretty good fodder. lots of quotable quotes. lots of things tt speak to me. i like spotting quotable excerpts from bks i like and mulling them over. at least i have the mental capacity to spot quotable things from a book. as opposed to tt fucked up loser who told me he liked "quotes". ---- attention: imminent egotrip/diss-piss --- He'd just go round taking pics of or copying down quotes he saw- like stuff someone else had already quoted. i dunno.. now i think bout it, tt seems pretty pointless. and lame. cos everything's a quotable quote if you really think bout it. it's simply a question of perception. maybe he thought chalking up a collection of clever-sounding quotes would make him produce some clever ones himself. well no chance of tt. here, let's take a look at the nominees, dahling:

"I'm the kind of person that knows when he finds something special, and he never lets go."

"I'll always love you, amelia."

"I'll never let anyone hurt you."

"I'm sorry. I have no choice... I love her. I have no choice."

my, tt last one's a real winner isn't it. what a fucker. seriously. --oh stop being so bitter.

:: mr nice nose - nadia

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