Thursday, February 17, 2011

i feel like something is missing tonight. i mean REALLY. i feel like i should be doing something but i can't quite remember wat. how do i go to bed with this? i'm gonna regret in the morning, as i always do.

i've checked my email accounts, i've read the news online, i've looked up several words on google and on malaysia cari (which i love, by the way), i've surfed fb (even leaving an excessive number of unnecessary inane comments tonight)... wat have i left out? i wonder if this nagging feeling will persist and how long it'll go on for.

:: There Is No Love - charlie lim

i reviewed my day at the near-end of my workday and i realised that i really love my kids. is it dangerous to treat them like personal projects? with inanimate things, you have total control (well, somewhat) but with people..? is it too risky to let your sense of achievement and self-worth depend on something(someone) which has the exclusive prerogative to determine his/her own fate? hmm. probably. but, seriously, wat else do i know how to do?

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