Thursday, May 19, 2011

i've just had a random flashback:

i am six years old. i'm sitting on the floor of the living room/recreation room/bedroom in the bedok court apartment of a kindergarten classmate, jeremy. it's his birthday party and there are a few other kids sitting with me. we're all facing a huge tv screen, playing a computer/tv spelling game. we are asked to spell pumpkin. i spell p u m k i n. and then a boy sitting near me retorts it's p u m P k i n. you don't know how to spell pumpkin??

my first reaction was to chide myself for not being able to spell a bloody fruit. then, i quietly grew indignant; am i supposed to know how to spell pumpkin? how the fuck am i spposed to spell something i've never eaten or touched in my whole fucking life anyway.

stupid yayahead boy. lucky for the bastard i can't remember his face. nabei.

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