Thursday, August 14, 2003

fever night fever night fever...

i seem to have found some sort of sedative tonight. commissues due in the morning and i'm still wasting time surfing and reading my own blog. and i don't even feel the customary panic that should've hit me a little more than awhile ago.

ate oatmeal cookie on 154 and got motion sickness. hung out with fagger and flouter, andrew, and watched a terribly-boring movie. looks like Alphaville has found some competition eh? Mad World, Gary Jules. i am not so good at hosting.

i have fake plastic trees stuck in my head. haha. my otak kayu (or maybe it's just plastic pretending to be wood). good song, that one. same chords as Bad Day, Fuel.

i'm growing old. i know this because i can't feel myself anymore. i feel like i've... liquidated.

She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love...

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