Wednesday, September 17, 2003


at johnathan's wedding the week before last, i realised how much i miss singing choral music. i mean real choir-style (think Haendel's Messiah), in an all-girls choir. i miss it so much.

sashi has chosen the lucky pple to be in her newsgrp. ooh, lucky lucky eh! haha. i have yet to be victimised by her imposing ways...
i realise i have a lot of work to do, but i don't seem to be able to panic. time is just racing past me and then it's already 20th(pam's bday), then 27th (musik art!), then 3 october (webD journal due)... yada yada, you get the pt.

every now and then, i imagine myself in a band singing my heart out. i can't hear me, the words i'd sing. but i see me enjoying myself. it's not really an ambition; i guess i'm just curious to know if i'll ever be in tt dimension.

oh no, guess wat... i'm was in tt I'm With You mood again today. too long... it's been too long.

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