Friday, May 13, 2005

:: Auf Achse - franz ferdinand

at my baby's hse now. was lying on the hammock on the balcony and staring into the clear azure and feeling like i wanted to be in cambodia.

bought Eleanor Rigby at borders yesterday. also met up with karin for dinner and i'm glad i did. sometimes you don't realise how much you miss a person till you see them again. how paradoxical. caught the 9.30 Bonjour Monsieur Schlomi at cine. cute show. i dind't even go online last night cos i was too fucking worn so i did what i don't do ever so often - lie on my bed and read a good book. imbibe imbibed till my droopy eyes gave up.

cheekys was such a bore tt day. i felt crappy even on the way there. on the mrt, i looked round and watched pple and i saw how no one else looked like they were going to club and i asked myself why am i even doing this (clubbing)? i didn't know the answer and there are two things i do (of which i am aware) when i don't know the answer to my own question; one is look for the answer, two is ignore myself.

i haven't told you: tt last friday, i was too busy with the bf to know of dr wee kim wee's funeral. the following day's realisation made me feel a bit sad. i read the papers (i did! i did!) bout the procession and some bout the man- not all of it, just some- and i felt a sadness seep frm behind my wall of swaku-ness and apathy. i wanted to have known the man. so maybe i could say "you know, he was such a good man. he was so good." but i guess there's no chance of that. ah crap, i say now. but it was longing i had when i read his granddaughter's eulogy and the drops of water tt pushed their way out the sides of my eyes. i had successfully but unwittingly recreated for myself the (belated) sense of solemnity i figured i missed out on the day before-
baby, stop distracting me.. ok thanks.

i say don't you know you say you don't know i say take me out.
i say you don't show don't move time is slow i say take me out.

we went to jb on tues, me and my kampuchea gang. i took great pride in the fact tt i was making my first trip to jb via public transport and without family.
there's something terribly dreary i find bout the place. so so slow and so sad. it wasn't even a nice, peaceful kind of slow. just a sluggishness tt osmosed itself through my thick munjen skin and made me feel lethargic and empty. and i don't think it's just me being an unsatiable singaporean. oh well, bought one shirt so at least i don't feel so empty. c'mon kids, let's say it together: r-e-t-a-i-l-t-h-e-r-a-p-y. thank you, tt was great.

tonight is my chance to get back all the rice tt lidong has consumed at my hse. ah-haha! ohh-hoohoo!

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