Thursday, September 29, 2005

:: Holding My Own - the darkness

i stopped by the toilet before leaving and met an oldish lady called juliana. "Juliana Sim," she said. "Cos there are two Julianas." she said she needed someone to relay the cantor ministry announcements to her cos she didn't have an email address. what to do, i was the only other person in the toilet, right?

is there something tt old pple find oddly endearing bout me? i obliged and juliana said tt it was lucky she bumped into me: "God must've sent you here."
and tt made me feel good inside. i think i must've watched too many of those angel shows last time (they were quite the thing right?). touched by an angel, and those apparently "real-life" stories on tv where angels appear out of no where and do kind things like alleviate pple's pain and/or save their lives. i always thought tt was so cool; to appear out of nowhere and help someone.

i was telling lidong bout my consultation with wayne during photojourn last semester and what wayne said tt gave me a newfound respect for him. i wonder how wayne is now. it's amazing, i never thought tt i'd really ever come face to face with anyone who could turn me inside out and tell me who i am. i hope he just keeps on doing what he does.

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