Oh nuit viens apporter à la terre
Le calme enchantement de ton mystère
L'ombre qui t'escorte est si douce
Si doux est le concert de tes doigts chantant l'espérance
Si grand est ton pouvoir transformant tout en rêve heureux
Oh nuit, oh laisses encore à la terre
Le calme enchantement de ton mystère
L'ombre qui t'escorte est si douce
Est-il une beauté aussi belle que le rêve
Est-il de vérité plus douce que l'espérance
oh how beautiful music makes me high. i really miss singing choral. should i join the uni chorale? only when you've finished your bloody fren2221 readings, amelia..
first week of uni is out. and i am so out of touch with everything. i must be slightly autistic or something. little changes in surrounding aesthetics often throw me off and though i don't always realise it, it takes a while for my subconsious to re-orientate itself. transplanted frm singapore to perth and then having to walk through the newly-renovated servery, and then not having familiar pple in my class and having new neighbours.. the result is a very nervous amelia. i have to admit, if karol were here it would feel a lot more familiar. of course i welcome changes.. i just need a bit more time to lay off the anxiety. i like having regina around cos she makes me feel at ease.
on a more relaxing note, j'ai fait couper mes cheveux (enfin!). bye bye hair!
let my friends cut my hair- alfred rae regina cherrilyn daphne sarah- and it's VERY nice haha. well, not VERY VERY- just very. shiok sendiri. i'd been planning for a long time to do something spontaneous. uh-huh uh-huh how ironic.. but i look 10 yrs younger so tt's a good thing. lidong says i look like a china girl. mummy called me as soon as she saw my pic on zehzeh's msn. ger, why you let your friends cut your hair?!! but i've since managed to convince her it doesn't look that bad so she's fine.
i have 3 consecutive assessments in week 3: fren3305 test en classe, ling2203 assignmt#1 and fren2221 tute presentation, in tt order. i have to stop ingesting so much crap food. pizza instant mee pizza instant mee.
i divulged some of my suicidal fantasies to lidong the other day. his reaction led me to think tt perhaps my thoughts are called my thoughts cos they ought to remain in my head and just keep on being mine and just keep on being thoughts. what would happen if everyone really thought as introspectively as i did and then proceeded to share their thoughts and fantasies with pple they loved? --> non-rhetorical qn to self. i reckon there'd be a disconcerting melange of awkwardness and aggrievement. which is why writing my thoughts on a highly accessible medium (see: blog) may not be a very exciting thing all the time. mm yes i think so.
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