Thursday, January 22, 2009

haha.. i just realised i spent the whole previous entyr being so excited bout how good today was tt i forgot bout the other exciting news.

i completed and sent in my Language Awareness Task thingy on monday and the british council emailed me this morning to ask me dwn for an interview in feb. i'm a bit nervous bout the writing task they said i'd have to do there cos i don't write well at all under pressure. we'll see. the rest of it looks hopeful. if thye like me enough to ask me for the interview then i guess i shouldn't be tt bad ya?

aunty grace called yesterday arvo to ask bout mummy and she asked what i'd been up to and what kind of job i was looking for and then in the evening, she called saying she had a job for me (!!!!). a french family just moved into her blk and the woman is looking for someone to tutor her 9-yr-old son in basic eng. he's studying at the lycée here and she says he really enjoys english lessons but they're only an hr a day so she needs someone since she hardly speaks eng herself. i spent 15 mins trying to type an sms in french to the lady (because i duno how to change my nokia dictionary to french mode so i had to type letter by letter) explaining tt aunty grace gave me her number and i could call her if she wanted to discuss the job in french but tt she'd have to speak slowly. après d'avoir reçu son 'ok', i called her and managed, in my rusty french, to arrange twice-a-week 2-hr lessons, starting next week. et.. euh les tariffs sont combiens? i was like um.. franchement, g aucune idée. euh........... 15$ par heure? she admitted she didn't know the standard rates either so we'll just stick to 15 first. i know. im a fucktard. why didn't i ask for 30-40?? -->(mummy's quote) or 50 <-- zehzeh's quote. i duno. i'm never comfortable asking or money. esp for something i'm not entirely sure i can handle. we'll see how it goes. the point is I HAVE A FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alors, c parti!!!!!!!!!!!!! in your face, betch!!!! HELL YEAH!

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