Tuesday, June 29, 2004

today is not tt bad a day. i'm very proud of myself for having perservered in trying to get myself out of marcoms. i finally got it swapped for the friday scriptwriting class - but not before being ridiculed by crotchety old fish (a certain haughty north indian female) for taking the electives i chose to take. like, hallo- your salary is coming out of my pocket. stupid menopausal groucho. maybe *** *******'s* **** *** ******* *** ***** (if at all...). well, watever the reason, i strongly believe that such childish behaviour is unbecoming of the vice-head of a film sch (what more, of a person who claims to be very reasonable. my ass ah!)and therefore warrants severe punishment. Retribution! i shout. yea baby, YEA.

aside frm the confrontation(s) with the bitch (tt left me drained from all the crying and sheer frustration), the first 2 days of sch were actually enjoyable. my dvd-authoring teacher is a portly man called derek khoo. i hope to pick up skills tt will enable me to enter the lucrative dvd-pirating industry. my other IS module is cool - Basic Home Electricity (BHE). haha my teacher's voice sounds like ray romano's. and i now know the technical reasons of a blackout. i really like the class cos i feel like i've learnt so much already.

print is nice cos mr yee's quite a cool guy (not sure bout the guy part though. heard frm the seniors tt he used to be a woman) and there are some cute guys in my printjourn class so erm, ya. i'm gonna be writing for hype so i'm pretty excited and hope i do a good job and then get spotted by a cool mag's editor; then maybe, i wouldn't have to resort to pirating dvds. my scriptwriting teacher is frm sweden*, so for my final project, i'm contemplating writing a screenplay bout a happy family of talking meatballs who use eriksson handphones and live in a little house furnished with colourful contemporary furniture.

* For those who took my advice and betted on sweden, i'd like to disclaim any responsibility now. but i really did think tt great meatballs and furniture = great soccer.

it's odd being in third yr cos we're spposedly the seniors of the sch and i actually feel old and weird. in bout a year, i'll be released frm captivity and become just another big loser, one of many many. ah::::::

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