Tuesday, January 03, 2006

when we come undone doo doo doo.

i wonder what would've happened if we HAD locked the door. no actually, i don't wonder; i'm pretty sure she would've have figured it anyway should she have discovered we locked the door. the only difference is tt we might've spared her the extremely disconcerting visual which hopefully - for the better of everyone - will not turn out to be so indelible, and we might also have spared ourselves the awkwardness of the positions we were in (haw haw! pun intended!) gwah gwah...

you know, i used to think i'd never have stories for the grandkids. well, now i do.

:: Lookin' Out My Back Door - ccr

christmas didn't really feel like christmas and the passing of the old yr didn't feel like it usually does. maybe something's trying to remind me tt things aren't gonna be so familiar anymore for the next few months. it was a good year, 2005. quite exciting: photojourn, lidong, cambodia, my longest temp job ever, lots of good food and erm.. getting fatter, among many things.

:: Whisper (last chance remix)- slovo

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