Monday, July 26, 2010

:: All The Lovers - kylie minogue

i dreamt last night that some of those whom i blog-stalk took me aside and stabbed me. they rained blows on me and scratched at my skin with sharp things. i lay bleeding and helpless. then when i opened my eyes again and i had stopped bleeding, the wounds were half gone and i had mysteriously recovered. my assailants were surprisingly unsurprised tt i wasn't dead. in fact, they seemed to be filled with a newfound respect. later, i found myself lying beneath gimi (this is still in my weirdass dream, by the way) and in the midst our lovemaking he pulled away, looked at one of the remaining wounds on my leg and asked me if it still hurt. i don't recall wat i said but i mustve replied 'no' cos all i remember was his expressionless face before we continued.

wat a fucking weird nightmare- or watever it is. needless to say, i didn't sleep well. tonight won't be like tt. i musn't be cos it's my day already.

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